The UK Treescapes programme delivers new environmental, socioeconomic and cultural understanding of the treescapes of the UK across three main themes. Each of our funded projects addresses one or more of these themes.

1. Forms, functions and values of UK Treescapes

A better understanding of how we characterise a fully functioning treescape and the functions and services provided by UK treescapes is required. This theme:

  • Explores the ways treescapes have been shaped by different management practices, environmental conditions, cultural and socio-economic drivers and values through time, and how this is expected to change with the new social, economic, cultural and environmental demands placed on treescapes.
  • Brings together data and measurements at different scales and from diverse sources, from the molecular, organismal, landscape and earth observation through to socio-economic datasets, cultural and historical evidence, and aesthetic and ethical values.

2. Opportunities, barriers and pathways for expansion of UK Treescapes

An increased understanding of the potential contributions and limitations of expanding UK treescapes to delivering local requirements and national goals (in the wider international policy context) must be considered.

  • This theme will improve understandings of the opportunities, barriers, and pathways to treescape expansion and configurations, considering biogeochemical, biophysical, policy, social, financial, and decision-making processes, as well as trade-offs and synergies with other land-uses. 

3. Resilience of UK Treescapes to global change

UK treescapes must be placed and understood in the wider global context – both policy and environmental. This theme:

  • Identifies drivers of change that pose significant risks to the resilience of current and future UK treescapes over decades and centuries
  • Outlines strategies and measures (such as low-risk pathways) that could mitigate their impact and enhance treescape resilience.

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