Please note that this call closed on 29 July 2022.

A historic record of the full call text is available here.

UK Treescapes Fellows

The new cohort of nine fellows are supported by a grant of up to £50k each from the Natural Environment Research Council and Defra. They will conduct ground-breaking projects within the UK and Europe, which will enhance the UK’s environmental and forest science capacity and provide broader knowledge exchange between stakeholders.

Find out more about our Funded Projects

Future of UK Treescapes Fellowship Scheme 2022 Call for Proposals

Please note that this call ended in January 2022, all details here are a historical record for information purposes only.

Opportunity status: Closed
Funders: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Funding type: Fellowship
Total fund: £270,000
Maximum award: £50,000
Publication date: 3 May 2022
Opening date: Closing date:

NERC invited proposals for Treescapes Fellowships as part of the Future of UK Treescapes programme, the application stage closed in July 2022. 

Treescapes Fellowships Scope

The Future Treescapes Fellowship Scheme offers opportunities for researchers or non-academics to spend between three to twelve months working on a topic related to the Treescapes programme remit (see our About page for details about the programme’s three themes – Form, function and values of UK Treescapes; Opportunities, barriers and pathways for expansion of UK Treescapes; and Resilience of UK Treescapes to global change) in a new disciplinary, institutional or applied setting. The aim of the Scheme is to provide a learning and knowledge exchange experience outside the Fellow’s usual area of expertise and to enhance broader interdisciplinary environmental and forest science capacity. It could include time spent exploring new understandings and conceptual frameworks relevant to the Treescapes programme, developing new methodological skills or data use or exploring the policy and/or practice implications of existing Treescapes projects. 

Fellows can be funded to undertake a diverse set of activities, including:  

Applicants for this Fellowship scheme are encouraged to be innovative and creative in the development of their proposal, with a clear description of how they intend to use the Fellowship to contribute to the Treescape programme and environmental and forest science capacity more broadly, as well as developing the Fellow’s own skills, understanding and knowledge. Fellowships are open to applicants from any disciplines under the remit of NERC, ESRC or AHRC, but proposals must clearly demonstrate their relevance for the funding research council, NERC.   

Research activities such as data collection and analysis are permitted but these must be a necessary and integral part of the above learning activities and knowledge exchange being proposed. The primary purpose of proposals, however, must be to develop the Fellow’s own understanding and engagement with the work and challenges of research or stakeholder organisations that the Fellow is working with but also to develop a capacity to take away and build on newly acquired skills, understandings, methods and learnings. 

Fellows will be required to deliver a short report at the end of the grant, and will be encouraged to produce policy or practice notes, where appropriate, and engage in wider programme dissemination activities led by the UK treescapes programme ambassadors. 

Collaborator finder

If you would like to find organisations that may wish to host you or academics and non-academics to host at your organisation. Why not take a look at our collaborator finder

Application forms and full call text