Please note that this call closed on 14 January 2022.

A historic record of the full call text is available here.

Call 2 Funded Projects

Six major research projects were selected to explore the most effective ways to expand the UK’s trees, hedgerows, woodlands and forests in rural and urban settings. They have received a share of £3 million in funding over the next two years from UK Research and Innovation. Each project will improve our understanding of the composition of treescapes in the UK, and their value to people and the planet. The research will also support the Government’s ambition to increase tree cover across the country.

All UK Treescapes Projects

Research solutions for UK treescape expansion and resilience

Please note that this call ended in January 2022, all details here are a historical record for information purposes only.

Apply for funding to investigate how we can improve the expansion and resilience of UK treescapes at different scales.

‘Treescapes’ are landscapes in which trees are an important element, for example woodland, parks or hedgerows.

You must be based at a UK organisation eligible for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding.

Your project must:

  • aim to provide ‘real world’ evidence to find solutions for treescape challenges
  • include disciplines from at least two of the three funding research councils
  • work with at least one stakeholder group or relevant non-academic organisation.

The full economic cost of your project can be up to £625,000. We will usually fund 80% of the full economic cost.

We will fund your project for up to two years, which must start by 1 August 2022.